
Navigate Your Season

in partnership with Leader Breakthru

Focused Living (Calling: 20s to mid-30s)

Focused Living is an online personal discovery process designed to help you clarify your life direction.

With the power to ignite new hope and greater courage in the lives of committed and passionate Christ-followers, Focused Living helps clarify purpose, vision, and core values. Discovering your calling helps set you on a trajectory to live, lead, and finish well.

If you are in your 20s to mid-30s, and/or have been wrestling with questions pertaining to your life purpose and direction, the Focused Living Online process can help you discover the answers.

You will walk away with your Personal Timeline, your Personal Calling Statement and a plan to move forward in your days ahead.


Get Started with Focused Living Online

Get Coached Through Focused Living

Get Licensed to Facilitate Focused Living

Apex (Contribution: 40s to mid-50s)

Apex is an online personal discovery process designed to help you clarify your unique Kingdom role.

Apex goes after the discovery of your unique contribution. Leaders in the mid-game begin to address a whole different set of questions: What should I be focusing on? What’s my grid for saying “no” and “yes” to the options before me? Of all the things I could do, what should I do? How do I get ready for the end-game?

Clarifying your major role and core methodologies provides a decision-making grid to ensure you live, lead, and finish well.

If you are in your 40s to mid-50s, and/or have been wrestling with questions related to your major role and core passions, the Apex Online process can help you discover the answers.

You will walk away with a personal definition of your unique Role and Contribution, a Decision-Making Grid for the future and your first indications of your legacy.


Get Started with Apex Online

Get Coached Through Apex

Get Licensed to Facilitate Apex

Resonance (Convergence: 60s to mid-70s)

Resonance is an online personal discovery process designed to help you finish well.

Finishing is not Finished! Leaders who are  approaching their finishing lines often wonder 1) what difference their lives have made and 2) what their role (if any) is when “position” and “influence” have shifted to other leaders.

Resonance has the power to help leaders bring together all of who they are with all of what they do, so they can finish well and leave a godly legacy. We call this convergence—the final stage where knowing who you are and what you’re called to do is entrusted to the next generations, leading to a lasting legacy.

If you are in your 60s to mid-70s and have been wrestling with what it means to be faithful to God in “retirement”, or with what it looks like to mentor and empower others, the Resonance Online process can help you find your way on the final leg of the journey.


Get Started with Resonance Online

Get Coached Through Resonance

Get Licensed to Facilitate Resonance