Our Services

You don’t get to clarity alone.
Mentors place insights within you.
Coaches draw insights out.


One-to-One Coaching — Navigate Life

(4 x 1-hour Coaching Appointments)

Coaching your development is about helping you process the people, events and circumstances that have played a part in shaping your life. As Christ-followers, each of us goes through a series of stages and strategic transitions in our development that help us stay the course and finish well.

Our One-to-One Coaching package includes four x 1-hour coaching appointments spanning the course of two month and includes free access to our tools/resources.


Life Consultations – Bring Breakthrough

(Intensive 2 x 8-hours Full Day Consultations)

There are key moments in each of our lives as Christ-followers, when we must take a step back to gain a big-picture perspective in order to step forward to live, lead and finishing well.

Every good vision and direction has been seeded in the past, but too often, we make life and professional plans based on our present ambitions. The Life Consultation helps you link God’s shaping work in your past to His desired work for you in the future, so you can live and lead with greater clarity and conviction in the days ahead.

Our Life Consultation package includes two full intensive days of 8-hour consultations and includes free access to our tools/resources.


Group Sessions – Gain Clarity Together

(Customised coaching and training based on group needs)

Experience the power of the process in a small group setting. This small group format walks each participant through the journey to find greater clarity and confidence in their calling. Suitable for ministry/church groups.


Coaching Training – Impact and Empower

(Extended 3-Level Professional Course preparing you for International Coaching Federation Certification)

Coaching is about unlocking this power of discovery to help others find their way forward. We believe in coaching the person, not the problem and that’s what sets us apart.

Our Coaching Training will take your coaching and ministry skills to a whole new level. This interactive, online course offers training in four core skills using The IDEA Coaching Pathway, with direct application in a variety of ministry contexts.

Not sure what works best for you?

Everyone has different needs and we’d love to create a personalised approach based on yours.

Speak with us to find out more.